1.论文 计算机 英语

介绍电脑系统英语文章,系统介绍 英语

cpu(电脑主机)what's the cpu

Pronounced as separate letters it is the abbreviation for central processing unit. The CPU is the brains of the computer. Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.

On large machines, CPUs require one or more printed circuit boards. On personal computers and small workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a microprocessor. Since the 1970's the microprocessor class of CPUs has almost completely overtaken all other CPU implementations.

The CPU itself is an internal component of the computer. Modern CPUs are small and square and contain multiple metallic connectors or pins on the underside. The CPU is inserted directly into a CPU socket, pin side down, on the motherboard. Each motherboard will support only a specific type or range of CPU so you must check the motherboard manufacturer's specifications before attempting to replace or upgrade a CPU. Modern CPUs also have an attached heat sink and small fan that go directly on top of the CPU to help dissipate heat.

Two typical components of a CPU are the following:

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.

The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.

See "What Is CPU Overclocking?" in the "Did You Know...?" section of Webopedia.

Also see All About Dual-Core Processors in the "Did You Know...?" section of Webopedia.

To understand how your computer system communicates with your CPU, see "Understanding PC Buses" in the Did You Know...?" section of Webopedia.

论文 计算机 英语

英文:A personal computer (PC) is any general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator. Many people consider a PC to be a Windows system, but this is not true and PC's include any type of computer that is used in a "personal" manner. This is in contrast to the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed large expensive mainframesystems to be used by many people, usually at the same time, or large data processing systems which required a full-time staff to operate efficiently. It is also in contrast with the more recent trend of controlling software availability through an intervening third party such as the Apple App Store.[1][2]A personal computer may be a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet PC, or a handheld PC (also called a palmtop). The most common microprocessors in personal computers are x86-compatible CPUs. Software applications for personal computers includeword processing, spreadsheets, databases, Web browsers and e-mail clients, games, and myriad personal productivity and special-purpose software applications. Modern personal computers often have connections to the Internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources.A PC may be used at home or in an office. Personal computers may be connected to a local area network (LAN), either by a cable or a wireless connection.While early PC owners usually had to write their own programs to do anything useful with the machines, today's users have access to a wide range of commercial and non-commercial software, which is provided in ready-to-run or ready-to-compile form. Since the 1980s, Microsoft and Intel have dominated much of the personal computer market, first with MS-DOS and then with the Wintel platform.中文:个人电脑(英语:Personal Computer,简称:PC),普遍称为电脑,中国内地又称为个人计算机,是在大小、性能以及价位等多个方面适合于个人使用,并由最终用户直接操控的计算机的统称。它与批处理计算机或分时系统等一般同时由多人操控的大型计算机相对。从台式电脑(或称桌面电脑)、笔记本电脑到平板电脑等都属于个人电脑的范畴。


Talking about 3G(1)

3G (the third generation) is a specification developed by the International Telecommunication Union for the third generation of mobile communications technology, (analog cellular was the first generation, digital PCS the second). 3G digital cellular technology promises increased bandwidth: up to 384K bit/sec when a device is stationary or moving at pedestrian speed, 128K bit/sec in a car, and 2M bit/sec in fixed applications.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is an open, nonproprietary system that is the dominant cellular technology throughout the world today. GSM uses a variation of the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocol. Data is digitized and compressed, then sent down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at either the 900-MHz or 1800-MHz and 1900-MHz frequency band.

Another so-called second-generation wireless air interface is CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). CDMA is a form of multiplexing, which allows numerous signals to occupy a single transmission channel, optimizing the use of available bandwidth. The technology is used in cellular telephone systems in the 800-MHz and 1.9-GHz bands.

Current circuit-switched GSM networks transmit data at 9.6K bit/sec or up to 43.2K bit/sec using multitime slot high-speed circuit switched data (HSCSD) upgrades. GSM’s 3G counterpart,Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA), offers much higher data speeds. WCDMA can support mobile voice, images, data and video communications at up to 2M bit/sec (local-area access) or 384K bit/sec (wide-area access). The input signals are digitized and transmitted in a coded, spread-spectrum mode over a range of frequencies. A 5 MHz-wide carrier is used, compared with 200 KHz-wide carrier for narrowband CDMA.

In fact, 3G technology applies equally to all standards that are being considered, including CDMA2000 in the United States. CDMA2000 can support mobile data communications at speeds ranging from 144K bit/sec to 2M bit/sec. Deployment is in the planning stages.

GSM-based packet radio services (GPRS), already extremely popular in Europe, are being rolled out now in the United States. With GPRS, datastreams are broken up into packets of data rather than the continuous stream of GSM circuit-switched networks. Packetized GPRS offers “always on”connectivity versus GSM, where users pay if they occupy a channel and don’t transmit data or voice. GPRS is central to the promise of mobile Internet capability, delivering voice, video and data to subscribers at up to 115K bit/sec. In Europe, GPRS-equipped handsets are projected to be available for the mass market by early 2002.




GSM(全球通)是非专有的开放系统,它是目前遍布全球的主导的蜂窝电话技术。GSM采用时分多址(TDMA)协议的一个变种。数据经数字化和压缩后,连同其他 两个用户数据流一起在一个信道上送出,每个都有自己的时间隙。它工作在900MHz或者1800MHz和1900MHz频段。







Designing a speech application includes presenting data for delivery over the phone, constructing a call flow and enabling prompts and grammars. VoiceXML provides a common set of rules as a flexible foundation, but it’s up to the designer to create the appropriate flow and personality for a speech system.

Just as HTML content is interpreted by a browser and presented visually over the Web, so must VoiceXML be understood or interpreted for presentation over the telephone by a speech, or voice, browser. The speech browser serves as a gateway between a call and an Internet connection. It interprets VoiceXML code and manages dialog between callers and VoiceXML content located at a Web site.

Speech browser software also maintains the calls, presents voice prompts that equate to URLs and downloads pages for audio interaction.

A VoiceXML-based application using a speech browser provides flexibility, benefiting callers and content providers alike. A caller could use a rotary telephone or the newest wireless model and receive the same service. Content providers have a choice of locating a speech browser at their facilities or outsourcing to an application service provider, carrier or service bureau. As with current visual Web models, trade-offs have to be weighed between ease of implementation, flexibility, cost and other factors.

Today, companies are building businesses on speech-based Web content by providing telephony access and presentation of data in interactive audio formats. These businesses host speech applications to provide greater scalability, maintenance and support, while letting content providers focus on their core business.

A number of obvious and subtle factors are converging to bring the Web model of VoiceXML to prominence. Many consider the broad industry support of VoiceXML its most apparent strength. Other factors such as recent improvements in text-to-speech quality mean information can be immediately presented in audio format without the time and expense of recording a voice. Looking at the evolution of the Web, it’s clear the adoption of a common format for content presentation——HTML——fueled the growth of the Web. The VoiceXML standard holds similar promise for speech.








